
Elegant Mixed Lily Rose Bouquet

Discover floral elegance with our exquisite arrangement of lilies, roses, gerberas, and lush greenery. Vibrant shades of orange, red, and pink blend into a captivating visual symphony, capturing the essence of natural beauty and freshness. Perfectly crafted to evoke refinement, each petal is selected for unmatched visual harmony.

Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: GMS011
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Brussels flowers  -  Sunset Symphony Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Elegant Mixed Lily Rose Bouquet

  • A sophisticated bouquet combining lilies and roses for an elegant floral arrangement.
  • Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or enhancing any special occasion with style.
  • Handpicked lilies and roses chosen for their beauty, fragrance, and complementary colors.
  • Expertly arranged to showcase the harmonious blend of lilies' elegance and roses' romance.
  • Freshly sourced to ensure each bloom exudes sophistication and timeless charm.
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